Monday, August 3, 2009

Saying Goodnight

Last night as I was getting the girls ready for bed, I heard Gabby say to Holly, "Good night, booger." In her most pathetic but cute voice, Holly responded, "Burger!!!" "My name Holly, not Burger!" I started laughing and of course that encouraged Gabby to say it again and again. Holly came running to me with big crocodile tears in her eyes and said, "Mommy, Gabby call me Burger and I Holly." I tried being sincere and keeping a straight look on my face but, I couldn't hold back from laughing. After a few minutes of wiping away tears, all of us were laughing. I'm not so sure Holly understood that we were laughing at her expense but, at least it ended in laughter and to me, that's a good way to end the day.


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

It is a good way to end the day. Too cute! ;0)

Janis said...

Thats a cute story to keep in your memory bank. Yes..laughter is a great way to end your day!

Living Life said...

When they are so young, they take everything so literally. What a touching moment you all shared.

Hazel said...

Ah, that's sweet. Hope it remains that easy to bring the smiles. :)