Thursday, January 8, 2009

Amateur Shooting

Yesterday, I awoke to amazing sights right outside my window. The sparkly sights of ice encased trees, grass, and shrubs and immediately, I thought about capturing these winter scenes with my camera.

My ever so energetic cousin, Tracey, has been teaching an online photography class for beginners at Nine Acres Photography blog called Get Off The Green Square. I was disappointed that I wasn't able to sign up because I am guilty of keeping my camera on the auto focus mode but, I'm determined to utilize my camera to it's fullest whether I have to learn on my own or one day enroll in one of Tracey's classes. Anyway, I decided yesterday was a good day to try out the different settings on my camera. I didn't have my manual handy (bad girl!) and I really didn't know how the pictures would turn out but here are a few samples of what I captured.

I know these are very amateur but hey, give me credit for at least trying to use the different settings. I can handle constructive criticism if anyone has anything to offer.


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Great job! It was a gorgeous winter wonderland yesterday. I took some shot while driving that I will post soon. (I was safe and "shot from the hip")


Living Life said...

They are great! I like the one of the berries. It was still beautiful this morning with the ice sparkling on the trees and fields.

Jan n Jer said...

I think you did a great job, they turned out good. Looks like a winter wonderland for sure!

Anonymous said...

Wow .. they are amazing pictures Tracy! Keep up the great work! I want to see more!

The Freedom Writer said...

When I first saw the title, I thught it was going to be about Dick Cheney.