It was time. Long over due. We finally got a new bed for Gabby. So long toddler bed...hello big girl bed! Boy was she excited. Early yesterday, Matt left the house on a mission to find a mattress. Seems he didn't have any trouble because he was home in no time with a brand new twin mattress. When he brought it inside, the girls were screaming and jumping about with pure excitement. I think Holly was just following suite but, needless to say, Gabby couldn't wait to try out her new bed. We left soon afterwards to find a comforter set which we found in a matter of minutes. I guess Gabb knew what she had in mind. A girl knows what a girl wants. Here are a few pictures. 

I'm so happy for Gabs, she can really spread out now. She picked out a pretty comforter, good job sugar booger!
Wow!! It's about time! That girl's toes were hanging over her other bed! I love it and can't wait to see it!
So how did the first night go in the big girl bed?
Yeh, Now Gabs can really spread out. She did a good job picking a comforter, it looks good in her room.
Aww ..she looks so happy to have a big girl bed. We're thinking of moving Michael into a toddler bed. He loves to climb into his crib and my Mom has caught him standing on top of it holding onto the bedroom door. I'm just not ready to give up my little baby boy yet. lol
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