Monday, April 11, 2011

7 Years Ago

Since our 7th anniversary was yesterday, I thought I'd share a picture and a short story from our wedding day. Matt and I were married at Manor Tavern in Monkton, MD. It was a beautiful spring day and all of the buds on the trees were busting at the seams. The birds were singing and the smell of hyacinths filled the air. It was a perfect day to get married. We had a small wedding with just our immediate family. We decided to keep it small since I was expecting our first baby in May. I arrived early as to make sure everything was in it's place and all of the arrangements were going well.

I had a few minutes to primp before our guests started arriving so, I went into the ladies room to brush my teeth. As I started brushing, I heard the sounds of intestinal distress coming from the stall beside the sink. I was so disgusted that the person was not even trying to be discreet. I tried to hurry and finish my business before they came out, but the stall door slowly opened, and our eyes met. Expecting to see a women, to my surprise, a man was starring down at me as I rinsed the toothpaste from mouth. I think we surprised each other. I thought he was drunk but when I realized I was in the wrong, I wanted to crawl into a hole. Apparently, I mistakenly went into the MEN'S room to do my primping. He probably thought I was a crazy pregnant women in distress. He awkwardly walked out without even washing his hands.

So, I had a little mishap on my wedding day but it was and still is a funny story. Pregnant women can do crazy things.

1 comment:

Jan said...

That's is truly a very funny story. I was a Girl Scout practically until I was married. That's how I met my hubs of 47 years. When our teenage girl scout group would travel together, we would frequently take over the adjacent Men's Room. Seriously, there's never enough Ladies Rooms.