Thursday, June 3, 2010

Shoot Me! #4 of 52

Is it Thursday already? Every Thursday I will be participating in "Shoot Me" hosted by Forever In Blue Jeans. You too can play. Click here to sign up and to see the other participants. Here are the rules:

Shoot Me! It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did!

The girls and I at Lake Clark, Wrightsville, PA before we joined the rest of the gang on C.C. Rider (My sister's boat).


Living Life said...

At least you found a nice shady spot to wait before the boat ride! Very nice photo of you and the girls. You should crop it and frame it!

tberry29 said...

Great pic, your girls are cutie pies!...Love the name of your blog, I am now a follower.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

This picture turned out great!! Thanks for the visit!

The Rancher's Wife Kate said...

So cute and I love that your daughter has her crocs on wrong! My boys are famous for that. :)

Jan n Jer said...

Awwww theres my girls...great photo!

~KATE~ said...

aww..cute girls wearing such cute dresses! of course, the mom is wonderful too!

happy weekend! btw, thanks for visiting my blog, tracy. ^^,

McCrakensx4 said...

What a fun pic of you and your 2 girls! Beautiful!