Thursday, June 2, 2011

Shoot Me! #17 of 52

It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did!

Church Lady is our wonderful host today. If you would like to play, click here .

The girls and I tiptoeing through the historic Paw Paw Tunnel located on the C&O Canal, Paw Paw, WV. Even with a flashlight, I found myself treading lightly. I felt paralyzed without it. Darkness can really mess with your mind...especially if you're scared of the dark (I'm not naming any names.)

Click here to read more about the hand carved wonder and maybe even plan your next trip.


Jan n Jer said...

Your a brave soul...when you go to the middle of this tunnel you realize the real meaning of "Pitch Black!!! Interesting structure n history though! Great shot of you n the girls! I bet they will remember this trip!

Living Life said...

Whoa! I had forgotten how long and dark that tunnel is! I see the tiny white dot behind you as the end/entrance of the tunnel!

Jen said...

Very cool... I would have been scared! lol

Jan said...

What an adventure. I'm not afraid of the dark, but like to know where I am, especially when I'm somewhere new.

Anonymous said...

I would be scared too!! eeks! Fun adventure though!