Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shoot Me! #4 of 52

It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did! Sign up to play below and grab the "Shoot Me" Button code to the right.

Church Lady is our wonderful host today. If you would like to play, just click here.

Here I am dancing at a wedding. I think it was the first winter wedding I've ever attended. It sure was cold that evening but the dance floor was smoking hot!


Jen said...

I bet ya had a fun time :)

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

You have a lovely smile.

Jan n Jer said...

You looked smokin hot too! Glad you had a good time. Love your new blog design!

Living Life said...

You look like one smokin' hot mama! Forgot to ask how that went?

BTW, love that blouse! And your new header looks great too!