When you were younger, about 4 or 5 years old, did you have a special thing you were attached to? I had a blankie that went everywhere with me and then sadly, the shredded piece of cloth that was basically attached to my hand, flew out the car window. I think my Mom gave me a washcloth to use in it's place but, it just wasn't the same. Well, my Gabby girl has a blankie that she is very attached to.
She knows she can't take it to school or into stores but anytime we're in the car or at home relaxing, you can always find Gabby with her blankie in her right hand while sucking her thumb.
Saturday, we stopped to pick out our Christmas tree but the girls were not interested in helping us. They were both happy to stay in the car since they didn't need to be confined to their car seats. It was a small tree lot and we were able to pick out a tree and get back to the car within 10 minutes. When I opened the door with excitement, I found Gabby sobbing. Tears just rolling down both cheeks and in her most pitiful voice she said, "My blankie is falling apart!" My heart melted. I could feel the tears swelling up in my eyes. Matt took the piece of blankie that had fallen on the floor and said confidently, "I'll fix your blankie," reassuring Gabby.
When we got home, I got out my sewing kit and Matt sewed blankie back together. Gabby was very grateful. Take a look at his sewing skills.
Matt sewed Tiggers hands together again which hold the key chain and part of the blankie that had fallen on the floor.
Bless her heart. Hopefully "blankie" can be preserved and kept in a keepsake box once she gives it up on her own.
Aaawww I almost cried reading this, I know how much Gabs loves her blankie. Glad her Daddy was able to mend it for her. I think I did save a shred of your old blankie, it may be in my cedar chest!
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